公路工程计量支付工作浅析-建筑工程论文-论文联盟 关键词:计量支付;公路工程;经济利益 [gap=284]Key words:measurement payment; highway engineering; economic interest
center of economic interest 经济利益中心
economic-interest undefined 经济意义未定的
foreign economic interest [经] 外国经济势力
Economic Interest Harmonization 经济利益和谐
European economic interest grouping 欧洲经济利益集团
Economic Interest Groups 经济利益集团
Economic Interest Theory 经济利益论
'[gm99nd] will do what is in its economic interest, "Rubenstein said."
鲁宾斯坦说,[gm 66nd]会根据自己的经济利益来行动的。
The family has been the focus of the individual's loyalty and affection, of his economic interest, and even of his legal duty.
Much better for business itself to recognise that it has a real economic interest in the well-being of the societies in which it operates;