sewage effluent 排放污水 ; 污水排水口 ; 污水 ; 污水流出量
treated sewage effluent 经处理的污水
sewage e effluent 污水排水口
irrigation of sewage effluent 污水灌溉
irrigation with sewage effluent 污水灌溉
"Sewage sludge" means sludge arising from urban effluent treatment plant and includes pretreatment waste, scourings and unstabilised sludge.
Ramesh says India has undertaken a 10-year program to ensure no untreated industrial effluent or urban sewage is released into the country's main river, the Ganges.
The results of his investigations led Sumpter to suspect that man-made industrial chemicals in sewage effluent were acting as female oestrogens.