environmental protection and administration
environmental protection and administration
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Others, including those from the State Environmental Protection Administration, argue that China needs to limit car use and move more quickly to tighten clean-air rules.
The safety of MNSR is concerned by the China National safety Administration, National Environmental Protection Bureau and surrounding public of MNSR.
The Federal environmental team for the project, led by FTA and including the Environmental Protection Agency and the General Services Administration, has proactively been working with GDOT and other partners to minimize environmental and archeological impacts through proper project siting and design.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
Each scientist or engineer is employed or funded by the Federal government and includes members of the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Interior, Veterans Affairs and the Environmental Protection Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and National Science Foundation.
WHITEHOUSE: Browse White House visitor logs
In addition to Secretary Salazar, the leadership of the departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Health and Human Services, Labor, Justice, Transportation, and Treasury, as well as the heads of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Small Business Administration, turned out to report to the tribal leaders on their efforts to help Indian Country move forward.
WHITEHOUSE: White House 2012 Tribal Nations Conference: Helping Indian Country Move Forward | The White House