epigastric pain 上腹部痛 ; [中医] 胃脘痛 ; 上腹疼痛
epigastric burning 上腹部灼热
epigastric region [解剖] 腹上区 ; 上腹部
epigastric parasitus [胚] 腹部寄生胎
superior epigastric artery [解剖] 腹壁上动脉 ; 上腹壁动脉
inferior epigastric artery [解剖] 腹壁下动脉 ; 通过对腹壁下动脉 ; 研究正常人腹壁下动脉 ; 的
congenital epigastric hernia [外科] 先天性上腹壁疝
epigastric pain syndrome 上腹痛综合征 ; 痛综合征 ; 上腹疼痛综合征 ; 上腹部疼痛综合征
"epigastric artery"
以上来源于: WordNet
Epigastric burning sense of malaise. Anorexia. Chest tightness. Drooling.
With the advent of vomiting, he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe headache.
Review of Systems: Severe headaches, scotomas, blurred vision, hand and face edema, epigastric pain, pruritus, dysuria, fever.