celestial equator 天球赤道 ; 天赤道 ; 天体赤道 ; 天〉天赤道
celestial equator system of coordinates 天赤道座标系统 ; 天文赤道坐标系 ; 天球赤道坐标系统
lunar celestial equator 月球天体赤道
Here, near the equator, scientists can study all of the Northern Celestial Hemisphere and part of the Southern.
The March equinox occurs the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth's equator – from south to north.
三月春分发生的那一刻,太阳越过天球赤道 - 假想一条线在地球赤道上方的天空 – 贯穿南北。
The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times.