equivalent static load expression 当量静负荷公式
static equivalent axial load 轴向当量静载荷
static equivalent radial load 径向当量静载荷
equivalent static load expressions 当量静负荷公式
consistent equivalent static load method 一致静力等效荷载法
equivalent static wind load 等效静力风荷载 ; 等效静风荷载
static equivalent load [机] 当量静负荷
equivalent static thrust load 当量推力静负荷
static equivalent thrust load 当量推力静负荷
The relationship between equivalent static load and temperature field has been verified through tests.
This paper derives formulae for spatial wind-induced dynamic response of cantilevered roofs and presents calculation practical method for equivalent static wind load.
If the actual load is a combined radial and axial load, then an equivalent static bearing load must be calculated.