A discussion of end-point error 终点误差的探讨
SPCE061A MCU is adopted as central control unit. Especially, we point out several problems which must be paid attention to in the program, and correct the error of experiment data in the end.
系统采用SPCE061 A微控制器为主控单元,特别指出了软件设计中需注意的几个问题,最后利用软件对实验数据进行误差修正。
In mixed weak acid titration, calculation of PH of stoichiometric point, calculation of end point error and stepwise titration criterion are the must specific problems.
The formula can be used to calculate the end point error of both complicated redox reactions and simple ones.
用林帮的副反应思想处理沉淀滴定平衡、得到条件平衡常数、滴定曲线方程、终点误差 。