Bandiagara Escarpment 邦贾加拉悬崖
Niagara Escarpment 尼亚加拉断崖 ; 尼亚加拉悬崖 ; 尼亚加拉大断层
fault escarpment [地质] 断层崖
erosional escarpment 侵蚀陡崖
Escarpment slope 逆向坡
Illawarra Escarpment 伊拉瓦拉悬崖
Escarpment Retreat 伊斯卡普蒙特度假酒店
Mau Escarpment 马乌陡崖 ; 茂崖
N-COUNT An escarpment is a wide, steep slope on a hill or mountain. 悬崖; 峭壁
The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.
A pair of noisy Amur falcons nests in an oak on the escarpment.
一对吵闹的黑龙江猎鹰(Amur falcons)在悬崖上的橡木树上筑巢。
A house is an escarpment, a door is a refusal, a facade is a wall.