establish beyond reasonable doubt
... beyond all doubt 毋庸置疑 ; 确确实实 ; 毫无疑问地 proof beyond reasonable doubt 排除合理怀疑 establish beyond reasonable doubt 疑点下证明 ...
establish beyond reasonable doubt
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
"The burden of proof should be placed upon the supplier to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the product being sold is not for human consumption and is safe for its intended use, " its report said.
BBC: Legal highs need more controls, say drug council
According to the source, the purpose of the probe was not to build a case on whether Armstrong or his teammates used banned substances, but rather to establish evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Armstrong violated criminal fraud statutes.
CNN: January 19, 2013 -- Updated 0035 GMT (0835 HKT)