埃塞俄比亚狼(Ethiopian wolf)就是根据此种方式分群而居的濒危物种之一。它们是世界上最珍稀的食肉动物,居住在贝尔山脉(Bale Mountains)的高地草场上。
Some scientists question whether the Ethiopian Wolf is a true Wolf or a jackal.
It was presumed that the closest living relative in the continent was the endangered Ethiopia wolf (Canis simensis), found only in the Ethiopian highlands.
这一大陆上灰狼最近的亲属被认为是仅在埃塞俄比亚高原发现过的濒临灭绝的埃塞俄比亚狼[西门豺(Canis simensis)]。
The Ethiopian highlands are home to two canine species that look deceptively similar, the gray wolf and the golden jackal, according to a new study in the journal PLoS One.
《公共科学图书馆》杂志(PLoS One, Public library of science one)近日发布的一项研究表明,埃塞俄比亚高原是两种容易混淆的犬科动物——灰狼(the gray wolf)和金豺(the golden jackal)共同的家园。