...ct)对客体对象(Object)的操作,对操作系统而言, 这些操作包括登录、退出、读、写、执行等;异常条件(Exception-Condition)是 主体 安全监控 器 客体 规则集处理 引擎 时标 活动简档 异常记录 审计记录 规则设计与更新 更新 历史简档 创建 提取规则 学习...
exception condition [计] 异常条件
database exception condition [计] 数据库异常条件
data base exception condition 数据库异常条件
Often, data access APIs such as JDBC and JPA provide only very generic information about the exception condition, and do not allow the specific cause to be effectively identified.
Instead of throwing an exception when the queue is empty, the reader thread now blocks itself on the condition variable.
Exception handling is a programming language construct designed to handle the occurrence of some condition (exception) that changes the normal flow of execution.