...与自持放电 6 溅射气体 至真空泵 阳极 衬底 溅射靶 绝缘 辉光放电区 -V(DC) 7 gas discharge 原子激发能(excitation energy): 原子中电子从基态能级 激发到激发态能级所需能量。
excitation energy transfer 激发传递 ; 激发电子
excitation energy of compound nucleus 复合核激发能
thermal excitation energy 热激发能量
isobar excitation energy 同质异位素激发能
Mean ionization excitation energy 平均电离激发能
excitation energy conversion efficiency 转能效率
mean excitation energy 平均电离能
excess excitation energy 过剩激发能
State transition can balancethe distribution of excitation energy between PSIIand PSI by changes in light absorption cross sec-tion and excitation energy spillover between thetwo photosystems.
参考来源 - 植物光合机构的状态转换·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The excitation energy changes the way each molecule absorbs and emits light.
Thus, we can define the generalized oscillator strength density as the strength per unit excitation energy.
Because the ruthenium may be subject to photodegradation, the total exposure to the excitation energy should be minimized.