...年《海洋法公约》(Convention on the Law of the Sea)(下称《公约》)后,因「专属经济区 (exclusive economic zone-EEZ)的出现,昔日为公海的世 界海洋面积的 1/3,即约 1.3 亿平方公里被纳入国家 200 浬 的主权权利范围内。
Japan calls it an island and claims it as territory, which it says gives it the right to an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 400, 000 square km-larger than Japan's land mass itself.
Japan calls it an island and claims it as territory, which it says gives it the right to an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 400,000 square km-larger than Japan's land mass itself.
The holder of the entitlements to an exclusive economic zone ("EEZ") and a continental shelf under the Convention is the coastal State with sovereignty over relevant land territory.