XL EXTRA LARGE 特大号 ; 特大 ; 特长 ; 特大码
XXL EXTRA EXTRA LARGE 超特大号 ; 超特大码 ; 超特年夜号
extra large 巨无霸 ; 特大号 ; 超大号 ; 超大型
Extra Large NG 四圈论英雄
extra large scale integration 特大规模集成 ; 特大范围集成 ; 超大规模集成
as extra large swatches 作为超大视图
extra large cache 更大容量缓存
Extra large display 超大显示屏
So he had three extra-large helpings of beans, and he "put-putted" all the way home.
Portions are small here, and appear especially so since they come on extra-large white plates.
Spacious enough for two large dogs or one extra-large dog, this house is not only practical but also affordable.