简介:法拉利主题公园(Ferrari World):全球最大室内主题公园。占地约7.9万平方米,主体建筑上覆盖着面积达18.6万平方米的红色屋顶,流线型造型让人不禁想起法拉利GT超...
Ferrari World Abu Dhabi 法拉利主题公园 ; 阿布扎比法拉利主题公园 ; 法拉利世界主题公园
Ferrari World Finals 法拉利年会 ; 法拉利年终聚会
Ferrari World Abu Dhabi logo 法拉利世界阿布扎比
F1-X, currently under construction, is said to open its doors around the same time as Ferrari World.
File-sharing was fine for long-in-the-tooth bands that “do sell-out arena tours and have the biggest Ferrari collections in the world”, she noted.
Designers hope the environmentally-friendly technology used in their car will be adopted by Formula 1 teams such as McLaren and world champions Ferrari.
设计人员希望这款赛车所应用的环保技术能被迈凯轮、世界冠军法拉利等F 1车队所采用。