(originally) a group of Falangist sympathizers in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War who were prepared to join the four columns of insurgents marching on the city 第五纵队; 西班牙内战期间位于马德里的长枪党党员支持者准备加入在城内游行的四个纵队
Readers suspecting in this novel an anti-fiction fifthcolumn will not be surprised to hear that Mr Rezza is better known as a comic actor and short-film maker.
I'm even cautiously optimistic that the current impasse over gun regulation is a bad-equilibrium that few consumers actually want, and that a reconstructed Freedom Group, fighting for sensible change as a fifthcolumn from within the industry, might well find that many people -- even a significant portion of the NRA's members -- would buy from a truly responsible (and high quality) gunmaker if given the chance.