be filled with 充满 ; 装满 ; 充满着 ; 用
filled band [物] 满带 ; 填充区域
be filled with anger 满腔怒火 ; 一腔怒火
gas-filled lamp [电] 充气灯 ; 充气灯泡
filled shell 满壳层 ; 满充壳层
Canvas Bag Filled with Water 帆布袋内充水 ; 包内衬薄纸
filled bitumen 填充沥青 ; [材] 加填料沥青
gas filled tube 充气管 ; 离子管 ; 充气整流器
Filled with Light 光芒流溢 ; 心中的光芒 ; 充满光 ; 光辉流溢
The base rubber filled with lignin-montmorillonite complex was compared with a base rubber filled with carbon black.
参考来源 - 木质素·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"theirs was a house filled with laughter"; "a large hall filled with rows of desks"; "fog-filled air"
"well-filled hours"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T/V-I If you fill a container or area, or if it fills, an amount of something enters it that is enough to make it full. 装满
She went to the bathroom, filled a glass with water, returned to the bed.
The boy's eyes filled with tears.
PHRASAL VERB Fill up means the same as . 装满
Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.
V-T If something fills a space, it is so big, or there are such large quantities of it, that there is very little room left. 占满
He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area.
PHRASAL VERB Fill up means the same as . 占满 (同)(fill)
...the complicated machines that fill up today's laboratories.
filled ADJ 占满的 [v-link ADJ 'with' n]
...four museum buildings filled with historical objects.
V-T If you fill a crack or hole, you put a substance into it in order to make the surface smooth again. 填平
Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.
PHRASAL VERB Fill in means the same as . 填平 (同)(fill)
Start by filling in any cracks and gaps between window and door frames and the wall.
V-T If a sound, smell, or light fills a space, or the air, it is very strong or noticeable. 充满
In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air.
V-T If something fills you with an emotion, or if an emotion fills you, you experience this emotion strongly. 使充满 (感情)
I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.
V-T If you fill a period of time with a particular activity, you spend the time in this way. 打发
If she wants a routine to fill her day, let her do community work.
PHRASAL VERB Fill up means the same as . 打发 (同)(fill)
On Thursday night she went to her yoga class, glad to have something to fill up the evening.
V-T If something fills a need or a gap, it puts an end to this need or gap by existing or being active. 满足; 填补
She brought him a sense of fun, of gaiety that filled a gap in his life.
V-T If something fills a role, position, or function, they have that role or position, or perform that function, often successfully. 担任
Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.
V-T If a company or organization fills a job vacancy, they choose someone to do the job. If someone fills a job vacancy, they accept a job that they have been offered. 选人接任; 接任
A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.
V-T When a dentist fills someone's tooth, he or she puts a filling in it. 补
Dentists fill teeth and repair broken ones.
V-T If you fill an order or a prescription, you provide the things that are asked for. 供应 (订货或处方上的药) [美国英语]
A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.
to fill the bill →see bill