... finite breeding population 有限育种群体 finite-population 有限总体 finite population 有限总体 ...
finite population [数] 有限总体 ; 有限母体 ; [遗] 有限群体 ; 限总体
finite population correction factor 有限总体校正因素 ; 有限总体修正因子 ; 修正系数 ; 有限总体校正系数
finite population correction 有限总体校正因子 ; 有限总体校正数 ; 正系数 ; 有效总体矫正
finite population of customer 顾客的有限总体
finite population correction factors 有限群体校正因素 ; 释义有限群体校正因素
finite population fir 有限族群冷杉
Finite Population Corrections 有限总体校正系数
finite population vector 有限总体向量
finite population sampling 有限总体抽样
As a matter of the utmost urgency, the world has to keep balance between over population and finite resources.
Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill.
Producing enough food as global population grows is possible, but doing so without exhausting finite resources, especially water, will be a challenge.