BY ANY measure—revenues, employees, customers—it is the largest①industrial reorganisation ever. And, reflecting how business is done in China, it was announced in the most modest way, with a posting on a government website on May 24th. The country's telecoms industry, with nearly 600m mobile subscribers, 360m fixed-line customers and $244 billion in revenue, will be reconfigured. Six companies will be collapsed into three, each spanning mobile, fixed and broadband services.
With its strong brand and its bundle of fixed, mobile and broadband services, Orange poses a threat to incumbents in other countries.
What this means, roughly, is the coming together of previously separate communications and entertainment services: fixed and mobile telephony, broadband Internet access and television.
The ITU's ICT price basket combines the average cost of fixed-line telephones, mobile phones and fixed-line broadband Internet services, calculated as a proportion of gross national income per person.