临床电解质分析进展 王燕--维普资讯网 007年第20卷第7期 摘 要: 临床电解质测量技术从早期的手工化学沉淀滴定测量K^+、Na^+到后来火焰光度计(Flame Photometer,FP)的使用是一大进步,但FP法仪器安全性差、操作麻烦,在临床中基本被淘汰,代之而起的是离子选择性电极(i
filter type flame photometer 滤光片式火焰光度计
automatic flame photometer 自动火焰光度计
Economical Flame Photometer 经济型火焰光度计
emission flame photometer [分化] 发射火焰光度计
Verification Regulation of Flame Photometer 火焰光度计检定规程
Flame Photometer Std 火焰光度法标准液
Flame Photometer Standard Lithium 1000ppm 工业标准液
Flame Photometer, Ph Meters, Conductivity Meters.
The normal values of potassium concentration in 96 blood samples were measured by means of a flame photometer from Qinghai black white cows rearing in Xining Dairy Farm.
On the base of practical experience, the reasons for affecting the stability of Flame Photometer are systematically analysed and the practical solutions are introduced in this paper.
根据实践经验, 系统地分析了影响火焰光度计稳定度的三种原因,并通过分析找出了相应的判断方法和解决措施。