... follow on early warning system (FEWS) 后续早期警戒系统 foreign aggression 外患 foreign instrumentation signals intelligence 外国仪器信号情报 ...
... 御 drive 外侮 foreign aggression 同仇敌忾共御外侮 share bitter hatred against the enemy and jointly resist foreign aggression ...
Resisting foreign aggression Home Safe 攘外必先安内
to resist foreign aggression 攘外
foreign aggression in modern time 在现代时间的外国侵略 ; 近代外国侵略 ; 外国侵略在现代时间
homeless because of foreign aggression 靡室靡家
resist foreign aggression 抵御外侮 ; 抗御外患
Internal Troubles And Foreign Aggression 内患外侮
Later, due to foreign aggression.
Our victory against foreign aggression can be insured only by removing internal conflicts through relieving the peasants by a reasonable and effective land reform.
Because of the fierce market situation and the outside health product brand's competition, the native health product enterprises face "interior anxiety and foreign aggression" test.