女士推荐说配特制酱汁的蛤蜊(The clams with our special sauce)很不错,蛤蜊是刚从海里捕上来的(fresh from the ocean)。由此可见本对话发生在餐馆(restaurant),故正确答案为A)。
Fresh water from the Parana and Uruguay rivers collides with salt water from the South Atlantic Ocean in the muddy estuary of Rio DE la Plata.
But a sudden influx of fresh water from melting ice could also disrupt the ocean currents that drive upwelling.
“海洋生态系统是由多种资源孕育而非单一依靠冰川,”胡德说,“例如,洋面上升是一种自然循环现象,富含养分的冷水从海底升起,滋养了海面的生物。 但是,由于冰川的融化而导致大量淡水突如其来涌入海洋,这可能会破坏洋流的正常循环。”
A slight increase in the Sun's output was matched by the disruption of deep ocean currents caused by cold fresh water sinking from the melting floes above.