函数和方法装饰漫谈 ( Function decorator ) 装饰方法的产生: def deco(func): """无参数调用decorator声明时必须有一个参数,这个参数将接收要装饰的方法"""
A decorator might return a function, but one that is not meaningfully associated with the undecorated function.
The special method default is marked as a CherryPy handler function by the @cherrypy.expose decorator.
default 这个特殊方法使用 @cherrypy.expose 修饰符标记为 CherryPy 处理程序函数。
There is one case in which nose does not care about the name of setup and teardown functions: when you specify them explicitly for a particular function using the @with_setup decorator.
在一种情况下,nose 不考虑 setup 和 teardown 函数的名称:使用 @with_setup 修饰符为某一函数显式地指定它们。