MeSH主题词 作呕(Gagging) 昏迷(Coma) 时间(Time) 气管(Trachea) 肺炎(Pneumonia) 对照组(Control Groups) 统计学(Statistics) 目的(Goals)
... gagger || ①辊式矫正机②造型工具,铸模工具③泥心撑,撑子,型心撑④砂钩 gagging || 冷矫正,矫直,压平 gain || 增益,放大 ...
... john win first prize in the speech competition » 约翰赢得演讲比赛一等奖 gagging » 小绿 until the flowers had withered away » 直到花已凋谢 ...
chemical gagging 化学测定
cold gagging 冷弯
gagging order 严禁言论的法令
Gagging Slightly 呕吐小
gagging of rail 直轨工作
Gagging A Little 哽咽一点
And Started Gagging 并开始呕吐
Gagging And Retching 呕吐和干呕
N-COUNT A gag is something such as a piece of cloth that is tied around or put inside someone's mouth in order to stop them from speaking. 塞口物
His captors had put a gag of thick leather in his mouth.
V-T If someone gags you, they tie a piece of cloth around your mouth in order to stop you from speaking or shouting. 堵住…的嘴
I gagged him with a towel.
V-T If a person is gagged by someone in authority, they are prevented from expressing their opinion or from publishing certain information. 压制言论自由 [表不满]
Judges must not be gagged.
V-I If you gag, you cannot swallow and nearly vomit. 作呕
I knelt by the toilet and gagged.
N-COUNT A gag is a joke. 笑话 [非正式]
The running gag is that the band never gets to play.
N-COUNT A gag is a humorous trick that you play on someone. 恶作剧 [美国英语] [非正式]
Richard must have thought colleagues were playing a gag on him.