gas fume fastness 耐烟熏色牢度
gas fume fastness testing 耐烟熏色牢度试验
fume gas isolating valve 烟气隔离阀
fume gas with F 含氟烟气
fume gas 烟气
pitch fume gas 沥青烟
fume gas cleaning 烟气净化
fume gas pollution 烟气污染
Therefore, it has obvious damage to big rats' main organs when they inhale crude oil fume and gas fume, which may provide valuable bases for forensic medicine authentication.
FGD (Fume Gas Desulfuration) is only cosmically commercial desulfuration type in the world. It is dominating technology measure to control acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution.
Because the cooking fume gas will affect the retention of health meal.