...Gastric electrical stimulation; Ventromedia hypothalamus; Orexin; Fluorescent immunohistochemistry; Radioimmun[gap=1409]关键词: 胃电刺激; 下丘脑腹内侧核; 增食欲素; 免疫荧光组织化学; 放射免疫; 大鼠 ..
retrograde gastric electrical stimulation 逆行胃电刺激 ; 提出逆行胃电刺激 ; 对逆向胃电刺激
forward gastric electrical stimulation 正向长脉冲胃电刺激 ; 的探讨正向长脉冲胃电刺激
Short pulse gastric electrical stimulation accelerated gastric emptying in the diabetic rats.
The article reviews the methods of gastric electrical stimulation, clinical applications and mechanisms of gastric electrical stimulation in gastroparesis and morbid obesity.
AIM: To determine the effect of electrical stimulation of lateral hypothalamic area(LHA) on gastric ischemia-reperfusion injury(GI-RI) in rats and to analyse its possible neuroregulatory mechanisms.
目的:观察电刺激下丘脑外侧区(LHA)对胃缺血-再灌注损伤(GI -RI)的影响,并初步分析其可能的神经机制。