曲面的法向量场记为,所谓高斯映射(Gauss Map)就是将位置向量映射到法向量:。高斯映射的导映射被称为是 Weigarten 映射,,Weigarten 映射将点处的切平面映到法向量处的切平面...
normal gauss map 法gauss映照
hyperbolic gauss map 双曲gauss映照
generalized Gauss map 广义Gauss映射
timelike Gauss map 类时高斯映射
nullcone Gauss map nullcone高斯映射
lightcone Gauss map 光锥高斯映射
conformal gauss map 共形高斯映射
classical gauss map 等距映射
以上来源于: WordNet
The satellite CCD photograph model under the effects of orbit motion, earth rotation, earth shape and the Gauss map, etc. is also presented.
还建立了卫星姿态运动、轨道运动、地球自转、地球曲率、高斯投影等影响下的星载线阵c CD成像模型。
Firstly, the Gauss map of points on the cylinder and a random sampling method are used to compute the rotation axis equation of the simple articulator.