滤波估计的过程就是计算条件均值和条件方差的过程,高斯滤波器(Gaussian Filter)和高斯和滤波器(Gaussian Sum Filter)就是借助于有效的数字积分技术来计算条件均值和条件方差。
G ( x i - x i ′) 为高斯滤波方程 ( Gaussian filter) 。 连续方程和 3D不可压缩的 NS方程经滤波后,引 入 SGS模型可写为: μ i = 0 (3) 9(ρu i ) 9t + 9(ρτ ij +ρu i u j ) 9x ...
non-gaussian filter 非高斯滤波
Gaussian filter method 高斯滤波法
Modified Gaussian filter 改进的高斯滤波器
adaptive Gaussian filter 自适应高斯滤波
gaussian filter function 高斯滤波函数
anisotropic gaussian filter 各向异性高斯滤波
difference of gaussian filter 高斯差分滤波器
Anisotropic piecewise gaussian filter 各向异性分段高斯滤波
Difference Offset of Gaussian Filter 高斯偏移差分滤波
On the basis of the central limit theorem and approximation theory, a new implementation of the Gaussian filter by cascaded triangle filters is presented.
参考来源 - 三角窗逼近法实现高斯滤波器·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Textile images were enhanced by using mean filter and gaussian filter with different templates.
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