Gay Man on Bus 任达华饰
Gay Man at Nightclub 曹查理饰
A Promiscuous Gay Man 一个淫乱同性恋者
Private Man Gay Culture 私人人造同性恋文化
If a woman tells you she can spot a gay man just by looking at him, don't dismiss her claim out of hand.
When Olson came out, "I felt over the hill as a gay man, clueless about what gay meant and suddenly alone, " he writes.
当欧森出柜,“作为一名男同志,我像翻过了一座山,面对着‘同志——意味些什么’束手无策,还有,突然间,只剩下了我一个。” 他写道。
Any other gay man of his time, raised by three spinster aunts in small-town Ohio, might well have stayed in self-loathing denial for ever.
When this movie came out twenty years ago they needed a character to play a gay man.
If you see an effeminate gay man, you'll probably say, "Ah, more evidence for my theory."
According to IMDb, where I get all my information, they hit up all the big stars, Harrison Ford, Michael Douglas, and Richard Gere, and they all turned it down because they didn't want to play a gay man because people would think that they were gay.