...提纲挈领 take a net by headrope or a coat by the collar -- to concentrate on the main points; a digest; a résumé; be concise and to the point; bring out the most essential points; bring up [forward] the chief points; bring up the essential points; full of pith and point; give one a general idea of subject; give the gist of a matter; give the main points; sum up the matter 写成提纲 skeletonize .
If you are writing about literature, do not give your professor a plot summary; if you are writing about some kind of theory, do not give the main points of a theoretical essay you read for the class.
CliffsNotes will help you analyze the main points of a book, understand the symbolism, and even give you a practice quiz.
Analyzing the historical background and theoretical basis of the post modernism law, this paper points out the main theoretical standpoints and give the reasonable comment on the post-modernism law.