A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructorsend Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City,and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her.
迫于糟糕的考试成绩和与老师的悲惨相遇之压力,本和他的伙伴去饮酒作乐,宣泄情绪。 诺尔和哈韦尔去亚太兰大,费莉希蒂的选美大赛一直困扰着她。
Their ability to go on a sustained eating binge while at the bay is due entirely to another creature: the horseshoe crab. These bizarre animals are among the oldest on Earth.
It's tempting for them to go on a drinking binge in the festival.