黄金珠宝(Gold Jewelry)又是一个异常获利的行业,可能联想:另日的金叶珠宝,于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早...
Gold Jewelry(黄金饰品)全球厂家企业频道提供土耳其Gold Jewelry(黄金饰品)厂家,土耳其Gold Jewelry(黄金饰品)供应商等信息服务等尽在GongChang! -
Ti-gold jewelry 钛金首饰
white gold jewelry alloy 白金首饰合金
Photo of Gold jewelry 黄金首饰图片
Gold Jewelry Series 首饰金成分标准物质
World Gold Jewelry Fabrication 世界黄金珠宝制造量
Black Hills Gold Jewelry 黑山金首饰
Shanghai Gold Jewelry Association 上海黄金饰品行业协会
Gold jewelry is a growth industry in China.
Moreover, with India's festival and wedding season soon to start, gold jewelry demand is expected to get a boost.
In the two week period leading up to Valentine's Day, American sales of gold jewelry lead to 34 million metric tons of waste.
在情人节前的两个星期内,美国销售的黄金珠宝引发了34 000 00吨的金属废弃物。
With Tut's remains, the British archeologist also discovered priceless gold jewelry and other objects.
VOA: special.2009.12.15
There were people goldsmiths were people who worked in the metal gold and made beautiful things for people jewelry and other things.
Goldsmiths are people who work in gold; they make jewelry and gold -goldware and whatever -coffee urns.