他的帝国分作四部门金帐汗国(Golden Horde)包罗俄罗斯之大部领土、莫斯科和基辅(Kiev)在内;波斯汗国所辖自阿富汗边疆及于伊拉克边疆;另一汗国在两者之间而向东延伸,归...
The Golden Horde 金帐汗国 ; 金帐汗国左贤王 ; 金帐汗国中文版 ; 金帐汗国简体中文版
The Golden Horde Chinese 金帐汗国 ; 金帐汗国简体中文版 ; 金帐汗国左贤王中文版
Khanate Of The Golden Horde 金帐汗国 ; 帐汗国
Golden Horde Khanate 金帐汗国
Golden n Horde 金甲蒙古射手
N the Mongol horde that devastated E Europe in the early 13th century. It established the westernmost Mongol khanate, which at its height ruled most of European Russia. Defeated by the power of Muscovy (1380), the realm split into four smaller khanates in 1405 金帐汗国
Golden Horde, or Kipchak khanate, Russian designation FOR the western part of the Mongol empire.
Batu later went back to Europe where he founded and ruled a new Mongol state on the lower volga known as the golden horde.
The Qypchaq literature in the Golden Horde (Altyn Orda) is the most important part of the ancient Kazakh language and literature.