...哥特式美术(Gothic Art)主要是在 12~15世纪的中世纪兴起的欧洲美术。被当时的意大利文艺复兴学者认为是野蛮怪诞,并且缺乏艺术趣味,称之为哥特式。
GOTHIC ART NOW 现代歌特艺术 ; 当代哥特式艺术
Romanesque and Gothic Art 罗马式与哥特式艺术
Later gothic art 晚期哥特式
gothic art and architecture 哥特式艺术和建筑
Gothic Art Code 哥德艺典
The Art of Gothic 原名 ; 哥特艺术
Art Gothic 哥特艺术
His hotel was designed in a kind of Gothic Art Deco style, trimmed with black iron flourishes.
the late French historian Georges Duby saw Gothic art as in part a reaction to the Cathar heresy, a civilised counterpart of the bloody Albigensian crusade.
已故法国历史学家Georges Duby把哥特艺术部分看作是对清洁教派的反应,血腥的阿尔比教派十字军的文明对应物。
When the Gothic novels had be published which were full of darkness, horror and mystery, the Gothic Art spread in the mass popular culture including music, movie, etc.