... Green Potted Plants 绿色环保盆栽 Green Items and Plants 绿色系和植物 growth of green plants 绿色植物的生长 ...
They were advised to position the chairs in the lobby to face the door and green potted plants were added to the seating area.
Tidy green lawn with blue and white hydrangeas lining the house. Favourite potted plants on either side of the front door.
T 平整,翠绿的草坪,蓝白相间的绣球花整齐的摆在房子一侧,前门的另一侧是主人最爱的盆栽植物。
All you need are some potted plants to green up the place, some fresh flowers and a pre-recorded cassette with chirping sounds of birds and you are all set to snooze in the laps of nature.