选取1984~2001 年间《中国统计年鉴》建筑业的统计数据, 产出取其总产值(Gross output value) ,劳动投入取从业人数(Number of persons employed) ,资本则取自有固定资产净值(Net value of owned fixed assets) 与自有机械设...
... Accumulative Gross Output Value 自年初累计完成总产值 Gross Output Value of 工业总产值 ; 建筑业总产值 Gross Output Value of Construction 建筑业总产值 ; 施工产值 ...
gross output value of agriculture 农业总产值
Gross Output Value of Construction 建筑业总产值 ; 施工产值
Gross Output Value of Industry 工业总产值
Gross Output Value Agriculture 农林牧渔业总产值
Gross Output Value of Farming 牧业产值
Gross Output Value of 工业总产值 ; 建筑业总产值
gross output value of industryagriculture 工农业总产值
Gross Output Value of FFAF 农林牧渔业总产值
The composition of gross output value in the table is calculated at the current price.
Note: Figures on "Gross Output Value" are of general contracting and professional contraction construction enterprises.
Note:The structure of agricutural gross output Value of 2007 in this table are adjusted according to Secondary Agricultural Census Data.