[ 复数 guerdons 第三人称单数 guerdons 现在分词 guerdoning 过去式 guerdoned 过去分词 guerdoned ]
guerdon detail 给以报酬
scale guerdon 规模报酬
the salary guerdon 薪资报酬
necessary guerdon rate 必要报酬率
necessity guerdon rate 必要报酬率
N a reward or payment 奖赏; 报酬
V to give a guerdon to 奖赏; 酬劳
It's the guerdon, the reward and the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory.
But peace of mind - that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest insignia of His love, he bestows it charily.
But as soon as we hope to find that guerdon, the golden ring,! Comes the blind Fury with the abhorred shears — ouch!
But as soon as we hope to find that guerdon, the golden ring, ! comes the blind Fury with the abhorred shears -- ouch!
It's the guerdon, the reward, the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory.