在这种方法下,一般包括四个步骤:熟悉范文(familiarizati(,n):控制性衫{】练(Controlledwritsng);指导性写作(guided writing):自由写作..
English Guided Writing 引导式阅读写作
n Guided Writing 引导式作文
question-guided writing 问题引导写作
controlled or guided writing 一种控制性的 ; 规范写作
Laser-Guided Direct Writing 激光引导直写
N-UNCOUNT In language teaching, when students do guided writing activities, they are given an outline in words or pictures to help them write. 指导性写作 [oft N n]
...some guided writing tasks.
In writing, "guided writing" may often be used by teachers at home and abroad.
Guided by the communicative competence theory, the paper discussed reading and writing communicative teaching mode in the English Majors teaching process.
It is guided and helpful action to improve the reviewing ability of reviewer, reviewing quality and writing level of science and technology researchers.
The question that has guided me whether it's in writing the book, whether it's in creating this class, " whether it's first and foremost my personal life is what I call "the question of the question", which is "how can we help ourselves and others, ?" individuals, communities and society become happier?"