Hakim Warrick 哈基姆 ; 瓦里克 ; 哈基姆·瓦里克 ; 哈基姆瓦里克
Abdul Hakim Belhaj 贝尔哈吉
Hakim Kriout 克鲁特
Peter Hakim 哈基姆 ; 彼得·哈基姆
Joy Hakim 哈克姆 ; 哈基姆 ; 作者 ; 乔伊·哈基姆
Hakim Bey 哈基姆·贝 ; 表演者 ; 哈基姆贝
Catherine Hakim 凯瑟琳·哈基姆 ; 哈基姆
Hakim Sanai 哈其母沙奈
N a Muslim judge, ruler, or administrator 穆斯林法官; 穆斯林统治者
But that's not what Hakim wants, as she noted in an academic paper published last year.
Feminists who want women to throw away their femininity are overlooking a powerful asset, Ms Hakim argues.
Ms Hakim suggests that women have more erotic capital than men to start with, mainly because they have had to work at it for centuries.