... Healthy Shatin Tsung-Tsiners 健康沙崇人 Hearing impaired 听觉受损 Hearing impairment 弱听 ...
Hearing Impaired Persons 听力受损者 ; 听力损伤者 ; 受损者
Rehabilitation of Hearing Impaired 听力障碍 ; 听力障碍康复
Hearing-impaired children 聋儿 ; 听力障碍儿童
multiple and disabled hearing impaired 多重残疾听力损伤者
An individual hearing-impaired child 聋儿个体
Telephony for the hearing impaired 有听觉障碍人用电话
Telephony for hearing impaired people 弱听力人群使用的电话
The literature to date on noise in school rooms appears to focus on the effects on schoolchildren in general, their teachers and the hearing impaired.
In the past, the spiral tips of conch shells were often used as AIDS for the hearing impaired.
Making affordable and properly fitted hearing aids and follow-up services more available can benefit hearing impaired people.