萤火虫(fireflies)使这棵树一闪一闪的(blink on and off),因为它们的发光会像(resemble)心肌细胞(heart muscle cells )那样同步“开火”(the synchronized firing ),或像人群有节奏的鼓掌(the rhythmic applause ),的确是种有组织的行为(se...
Why, Discher wondered, don't heart muscle cells then replace the scar tissue?
Research led by scientists in Sweden found that our heart muscle cells are renewed over our lifetime and we are not limited to those we are born with.
It would be better to create new cells without involving viruses at all, but some scientists didn't think this would be possible with heart muscle cells.
We're going to come back and talk about the action potential a little bit more when we talk about how the heart works, because the heart when its contracting, the muscle cells also use action potentials to initiate contraction.