heart-warming 暖人心房的 ; 感人的 ; 温馨感人的
a heart-warming reunion 令人欣喜的团聚
Is moving and heart warming 是感动和心暖
My Heart Warming 我心变暖
Heart Warming Shower 温馨细雨
"Is there a sight more heartwarming than a family reunion?"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Something that is heartwarming causes you to feel happy, usually because something nice has happened to people. 暖人心房的; 令人高兴的
...the heartwarming story of enemies who discover a shared humanity.
It formed a heart-warming picture: Each family member was enjoying being together.
Graceful and brave in the face of a surprising mortality, he sets about to knit together the loose strands of his life and destiny through a series of Herculean, heart-warming challenges.
Those heart-warming comments touched the horseman deeply.