... 燃烧和能量交换(combustion and energy conveion) 热机与循环(heat engine and cycle) 活塞式发动机的循环(piston—engine cycle) ...
Two internal irreversibility parameters, the heat engine cycle and the refrigerator cycle were introduced to characterize the irreversibility inside the cycle.
The heat transfer characteristics of the detonation chambers outer and inner wall were analyzed when the pulse detonation engine model was operated in the multi-cycle mode.
In order to approach the carnot efficiency the processes involved in the heat engine cycle must be reversible and involve no change in entropy.
It expands. You change your constraints on your system, you heat it up some more, then you take the heat source away, and you put it back in contact with the atmosphere. And you cool it a little bit, change the constraints, cool it a little bit more, and heat, and you've got a closed cycle engine.