...2;凋亡;Bax蛋白;热休克蛋白-27 [gap=2063]toma cell lines; Bel-7402 hepotoma cell lines; apoptosis; heat shock protein-27;Bax protein ...
Heat shock protein 27 热休克蛋白
Heat-shock protein 27 热休克蛋白 ; 蛋白
small heat shock protein 27 小热休克蛋白
small heat-shock protein 27 gene 小热休克蛋白基因
Heat shock 27 was the most interesting differential expression protein and was down expression in papillary thyroid cancer.
Objective To investigate the expression of heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) in human age related cataract lens epithelial cells.
目的探讨热休克蛋白(HSP) 27在老年性白内障晶状体上皮细胞中的表达及意义。
Objective To investigate the distribution of heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) in the basilar membrane of rat cochlea.
目的探讨热休克蛋白27 (HSP27)在耳蜗基底膜上的分布及意义。