a heavy rain 紧密的雨点 ; 一阵大雨
no-heavy rain 非暴雨
Heavy rain core 暴雨中心
Heavy rain area 暴雨落区
time heavy rain 时暴雨
very heavy rain 特大雨
last heavy rain 末次暴雨
first heavy rain 首场暴雨
sharp heavy rain 突发性暴雨
④there were good thermal and dynamic conditions in the heavy rain.
参考来源 - 2009年山东“8.17”特大暴雨分析—《现代农业科技》—2010年第14期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Heavy rain turned the campsite into a mudbath.
The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain.
After heavy rain, the river was in spate.
He wanted to destroy it. But heavy rain held up Jackson's troops.
VOA: special.2009.09.24
Just this watery mass again. So it's creation undoing itself in some of the descriptions, as opposed to just heavy rain.
Sometimes the flood seems to be the result of very heavy rain, but in other descriptions it seems to be a real cosmic upheaval.