平安时代 - 百度百科 全球最大中文百科全书 平安时代(Heian Period)是日本古代的一个历史时期,日本官方称呼也可称做平安京时代,平安京时期,平安时期。
the Heian Period 日本平安时代
以上来源于: WordNet
The dolls thus arrayed all wear the sumptuous court garb of the Heian period.
During Japan's Heian period (794—1192), the kimono became increasingly stylized, though one still wore a half-apron, called a mo, over it.
在日本平安时代(794-1192年〉, 和服日益形成自己的风格,但仍有一个称为裳的半裙。
By the early Heian period (794-1185), Japanese craftsmen were producing superb wooden statues that some would argue count among the finest such examples in the world.
在平安时代(794 - 1185)初期,日本工匠们制作了精湛的木制雕像,有人会说这在世界上最优秀的艺术品中具有重大价值。