Herd behavior 羊群行为 ; 从众行为 ; 羊群效应 ; 追风行为
the herd behavior 从众行为
herd behavior theory 羊群行为理论
rational herd behavior 理性羊群行为
irrational herd behavior 非理性羊群效应
involuntary herd behavior 无意羊群行为
herd behavior of manager 管理者从众行为
the portfolios herd behavior 板块羊群效应
However, the problem whether the stock investment funds have the herd behavior is not clear.
参考来源 - 中国证券投资基金羊群行为 (研究生论文)Our simulation results show that this new stochasticalgorithm can effectively prevent herd behavior, and provide much betterperformance both on the scheduling overhead and job turn-around time thanconventional ones.
实验数据表明,这种算法能够有效的避免群集行为的发生,并且在调度的开销以及作业的运转时间(Turn-around time)上都大大优于传统的贪心算法。
参考来源 - 网格计算中的调度问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The use of herd behavior in marketing.
And from analyses of the rationality and irrationality of herd behavior by the next period return, the conclusion is that herd behavior in China's open funds may be not true.
Instead, a herd behavior allowed rampant speculation, which the report alleges, most likely contributed to last year's soaring food prices.