... 蒸馏过程 still process; stillprocess 高真空蒸馏 high vacuum distillation; high-vacuum distillation; hight vacuum distillation 真空蒸馏 distil under vacuum; distillation under vacuum; reduced pressure distillation; reduced-pressure distillation; vacuum diffusion; vacuum distillation plant; vacuum distilling; vacuum evaporation; vacuum still; vacuum topping; vacuumdistillation ...
The refined product with high purity is obtained by vacuum distillation of crude benzal chloride.
Meanwhile the refining process was improved, using crystallization from petroleum-benzene instead of high vacuum distillation. The process was simplified for the benefit of industry production.
The three main methods for high purity zinc preparation, including electrolytic method, vacuum distillation, zone refining, are summarized and compared in this paper.