Samsung Electronics announced that it has developed the industry's first thermally-enhanced chip-on-film (TECOF) package for the display driver IC (DDI) used in large-screen, high-resolution LCD TVs.
The set-top box will run on the 'Cell' processor, a chip with super-computer muscle to churn out intense, high-definition graphics found in today's PlayStation 3 video games.
Cell Regza电视机配备的机顶盒将安装Cell微处理芯片,这款具备超级计算能力的芯片将能创造出超高清晰度图像,这种图像目前只在PlayStation 3视频游戏机上才有。
Thus, thousands of these devices can be built side-by-side with silicon transistors for high-bandwidth on-chip optical communications.
所以,数以千计的这类设备能够通过使用为芯片上光学通信的高带宽而设计的硅晶体管(silicon transistors)并行地进行生产。