戏信息】中文名称:高空竞速英文名称:High On Racing游戏制作:SilentFuture游戏发行:SilentFuture游戏分类:赛车竞速 【游戏简介】 《高空竞速》是一款由SilentFuture团队制作
To find the reason why a drill might bring on a racing heart, Karibe divided the volunteers into low fear and high fear groups based on how much they feared a trip to the dentist.
为了找出钻头可能导致心跳加速的原因,Karibe 根据志愿者对看牙医的恐惧程度,将他们分为低恐惧组和高恐惧组。
It sounds like the opposite of high-tech engineering, but it's not. High-end racing bikes built of bamboo. Listen to the podcast. Today, on engineering Works!
For those wanting to get even closer to the action, there's a thrilling chance to follow the race in China Team's high-speed support boat, or even to take a seat on the AC45 racing yacht itself!